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Photo Gallery of Hotel Casa Antigua

This hotel was previously a 10-room hotel with the name “Hotel Museo Uxlabil”. We acquired the property in September 2009 and remodeled all rooms and the adjacent property consisting of small apartments.

This created a total of 22 spacious rooms, three large gardens, a rooftop terrace, and many sitting areas in the hotel’s spacious hallways. Since our hotel is a historic property, you will find many unique antiques in every room and hallway. We even have a bed made in the 19th century for King Mosquitia of Nicaragua. In another hotel room, you can find one of the original chandeliers of the Cathedral and in another you can find a bed that was owned by Doña Elvira (who was governor) and a bed that was once in the house of the “Patron Saint of Antigua ”, the Holy Brother Pedro de San José de Betancourt.

Here at the Hotel Casa Antigua we attend to all your needs to provide you with a relaxed and pleasant stay. Our fantastic location, low rates, and friendly and helpful staff make this an ideal hotel for those traveling on a budget and looking to have a great experience.

In our hotel there are three beautiful tropical gardens full of flowers and trees and many resting areas. At this historic hotel, you can sit on an exquisite antique bench or marvel at a 200-year-old painting. You will also be able to relax while listening to the dripping of water in our fountains and appreciate the dance of the hummingbirds around the flowers.

In this environment, you could start your wonderful adventure to explore the city of Antigua Guatemala!





